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Tinnitus Protocol Esentials teste

Tinnitus Protocol Esentials teste

R$ 100,00Price

The book presents a methodology that thousands of readers have come to affectionately call The Protocol, with objective and direct instructions on how a person who lives with and suffers from tinnitus can learn, without requiring countless visits to a therapist, to habituate to tinnitus, so that he or she can live a productive and happy life. The book presents specific exercises, tips, and instructions that can lead the subject to habituation of reaction, where the characteristics of his tinnitus will no longer cause him anxiety, and habituation of perception, where his brain will learn to leave the tinnitus noise as background noise, allowing him to forget about it indefinitely. The reader will also have the option to become a member of the habituation group on Facebook where he or she will be able to exchange ideas with other practitioner-readers, get emotional support, and interact with the author.

    © Ed Leme 2023
    Created by AMM MKT
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